The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held a symposium to promote green and low-carbon development in the industry

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On January 8, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held a symposium to promote green and low-carbon development in the industry. This symposium aimed to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, carry out the decisions of the Central Economic Work Conference and the National Conference on the Promotion of New-type Industrialization. In accordance with the requirements of the National Conference on Industry and Information Technology, the meeting discussed and deployed comprehensive efforts to promote green and low-carbon development in the industry. Xie Yuansheng, a member of the Party Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Representatives from the industrial and information technology departments of Hebei, Jiangsu, Fujian, Shandong, and Chongqing, as well as the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, exchanged views and made speeches.

The meeting emphasized that comprehensive promotion of green and low-carbon development in the industry is a strategic requirement for implementing the new development philosophy, realizing high-quality development, and an inherent requirement for new-type industrialization. The central leadership and the State Council have made systematic arrangements for the comprehensive promotion of green industrial development, urging the prudent promotion of carbon reduction in the industrial sector, the construction of a green manufacturing and service system, the advancement of resource conservation and efficient utilization, and the acceleration of the development of a green energy system. The entire system needs to raise its political stance, thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statements on new-type industrialization, firmly establish and practice the concept that "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets," and work with a sense of urgency and responsibility. With the goal of comprehensive transformation, whole-process reform, complete chain change, and overall improvement in all areas, the meeting aimed to comprehensively promote green industrial development.

The meeting emphasized the need to prudently promote carbon reduction in the industrial sector, coordinate efforts to peak carbon emissions in key industries such as industry, steel, building materials, petrochemicals, and non-ferrous metals, vigorously develop green and low-carbon industries, promote the green upgrading of traditional industries, and accelerate the coordinated efficiency improvement of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. It called for the acceleration of the construction of a green manufacturing and service system, the in-depth implementation of green manufacturing projects, the strengthening of the construction of green and low-carbon standard systems, and the active creation of green consumption scenarios. The meeting also urged the acceleration of industrial energy efficiency improvement, the construction of a clean, efficient, and low-carbon industrial energy consumption structure, the deepening of key industries' energy efficiency improvement, and the improvement of industrial energy-saving management systems. Comprehensive efforts to promote resource conservation and efficient utilization were stressed, including the acceleration of the construction of a resource recycling system, efforts to reduce and reuse industrial solid waste, and the enhancement of the level of resource utilization. The meeting called for the promotion of the standardized development of the comprehensive utilization industry of recycled resources, the improvement of the emerging solid waste comprehensive utilization system, and the active development of the remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products. Strengthening external publicity, conducting training and exchanges in the field of green manufacturing, and continuously deepening international cooperation in the field of green and low-carbon were also highlighted.

The industrial and information technology departments and telecommunications management bureaus of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, as well as relevant units under the Ministry and responsible leaders of relevant industry associations, attended the main venue and various local branch venues.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology