ESP Hot Rolled Pickled Cold Formed Steel Sheet and Coil
Carbon Neutral
Ningde Times Negative Carbon Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd.
ESP Hot Rolled Pickled Cold Formed Steel Sheet and Coil
1 t ESP Hot Rolled Pickled Cold Formed Steel Sheet and Coil

Carbon Footprint Message
System Boundary: Cradle to Gate
Reporting Period: Not Disclosed
Total emission: 821.3000 kgCO₂e
Conclusion: DEKRA has performed validation of "Dinsheng Iron and Steel Carbon Neutral Steel Project Carbon Neutral Ecosystem Engineering Program" of Ningde Times Negative Carbon Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd. based on the above standards, and state that the product carbon footprint emission reduction and removal of ESP Hot Rolled Pickled Cold Formed Steel Sheet and Coil, and the project program to achieve the zero emissions and carbon neutral steel production is reasonable and achievable.
Certification File
Carbon Neutral Certification
DCHZ-PCF 202406001
ISO14064-1:2018; ISO14064-2:2019; ISO14064-3:2019; ISO14068-1:2023

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