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Indoor full-color LED screen


  • Guangzhou BaoLun Electronics Co., Ltd.

  • Asia-China-guangdong

  • A1.25

  • 1 unit of A1.25 indoor full-color LED screen

Indoor full-color LED screen

Carbon Footprint Message

System Boundary: Cradle to Gate

Reporting Period: 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-12-31

Total emission: 52.6800 kgCO₂e

Conclusion: After verification, China Environmental United Certification Center (Beijing) Co., Ltd. issues this certificate in accordance with relevant verification procedures, confirming that the certificate holder's emission calculations have no substantial deviation. The carbon footprint value per functional unit of the product is 52.68 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Certification File

Product Carbon Footprint Verification

  • CEC

  • CEC-PCF-2023-0008

  • 2023-04-25

CEC logo

CEW Consortium Blockchain

  • 2023-08-11

  • 2364777

  • 0xa6a033633e4f3c70167c72751dab4fbb0a309315b2a8b51f2b3606f402e6031e

  • 0xdcf6e8b4102e6c7b8efafe68e113e307ee9dabe4fb47b8ca95dad7e58e898990

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